Monday, April 7, 2008

"Shape Up or Ship Out" II

I am only semi computer literate, so please bear with me.
SAVE RICHMOND argues and presents documentation that the improved SOL scores in the Richmond Public Schools (RPS) are due to the fact that the poor performers are being forced out. SAVE RICHMOND and its sources point to high out of school suspensions and dropout rates.
This is bad if poor performers are being discriminated against for out of school suspensions. If poor performers are being suspended for things good performers get away with, this is intolerable.
However, after thirty-nine years as an educator, it is clear to me that there is a strong correlation between behavior and performance.
If out of school suspensions are meted out on an even handed basis, we have a different set of issues.
This brings to mind an old, politically incorrect sexist (But it illustrates a point.) "joke." The man drives the woman to a remote spot and says: "If you are not here for what I am here for, you are going to be here when I am gone."
Students and parents need to understand that the schools will be there when those students who are not there for what the schools are there for are gone.
The issue is certainly complex. Too much emphasis is placed on the SOLS. There should be alternatives to out of school suspensions. And most importantly, "Good communities make good schools." I will write in detail on this at a later date.
Those who want to learn or who understand the importance must be protected. Those who would interfere with the teaching and learning process should "shape up or ship out."

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